Roles & responsibilities in your aviation business

Like most businesses, the story of how you started will be unique. Maybe you were maintaining one or 2 aircraft and then next minute, you've got 50 you look after and track. Perhaps you were just flying your own helicopter all of a sudden you had a fleet of 10 and a team to operate and maintain them.  

However that process happened, you probably grew your team where you needed them and the team just got the job done as well as they could and people naturally fell into roles and responsibilities. We often get asked how does everyone else structure their business.  This is a really hard question to answer but were going to give it a bit of a crack anyway! 

In large businesses each of these roles may have one or multiple people in them. In smaller businesses, 1 or 2 people may do multiple roles but these are the general areas of responsibility. Also, We'll write a blog in future about these roles in more detail but right now we'll just list them out and a general role description.  

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and not the only way to structure your business, just a few ideas to help you decide what will work for your business. 

General Manager/CEO/Owner

Setting the direction of the business and managing the leadership team

​ Accounts/Admin/Business Development

Running the business side of things. Accounting, bookings, strategic partnerships etc

​Stores/Inventory & Purchasing/Procurement

Keeping everything needed for running the aircraft up to date and reordering things

​Chief Pilot/Pilots

Flying the aircraft and all that goes into that

​Chief Engineer/Engineers

Making sure the aircraft are in top condition and ready to fly all the time

​Director of Maintenance

Managing the continue maintenance that needs to be carried out on aircraft

​Director of Safety/SMS Programmer

Looking after all things safety on the ground and in the air

​Quality Manager/Quality Assurance/Tech Records

Keeping the quality of data and tech records at front of mind and correct

​​​​IT Manager

Someone who knows how to fix all those IT issues you have around the place

​Base Managers

When you have multiple bases, having someone "in charge" of each base

​Flight Following/Dispatch/Controller

Someone who co-ordinates things in regards to flights and keeping aircraft moving

However you are structured or wherever you are in the lifecycle of your business, you need to make sure you have all the key responsibilities covered and accounted for. Also, when you add a new software system to support your business goals, like Aeronet, these responsibilities are useful to know so that you can then assign access and users levels too.  


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